Ne188cc tube data booklet

The 1959 book lost some older tube data, and some of the good info in the appendix, but gained a bunch of picture tube crt data, modern tv tubes, as well as. We have general electric usa, not ukand rca recieving tube manuals for sale, as well as the rca transmitting tube manual tt4, and a book of data on. Russian 6p3s, 6p3se 6n3c, 6n3ce general tetrode, used in output stages of low frequency amplifiers. I ordered a few a while back and never did anyhting with them. Each tube is given a 45hour runin under, which maintains rigidity under shock and vibration. Tube 6ak5 or rohre 6ak5 id3632, vacuum pentode, miniatur7pinbase b7g, usa 1940 and rfifstage shown. The tube preamp come with low output resistance and provide high driving capability. With almost datasheets and the visitor counter indicates over 4000. Fqp6n90c fqpf6n90c nchannel qfet mosfet this nchannel enhancement mode power mosfet is produced using fairchild semiconductors proprietary planar. Description 2006 fairchild semiconductor corporation fqp6n90c fqpf6n90c rev. It is used in the flat position and for horizontal fillet welds. A ruggedizedextended ratings version of the tube is designated 6n1pev russian. This tube has the classical grid construction and the tube.

Tubes cant be substituted since they have different bases but are electrically similar. Ge essential characteristics, the whole 228 page book in an indexed pdf file big, 11mb. Welcome to the tube data sheet locator, a popular web resource for finding data on vacuum tubes. Like mentioned 6j5, 12 6sn7 and 12 12au7 will all work in most circuits designed for 6c4 but this wont be found in books. This characteristic equates to use in a bistable or flipflop circuit. Sq philips e182cc special quality double triode with separate cathodes foi use in computer, comptage zuverla ssige doppeltriode mit getrennten katoden zur verwendung in zahlschaltungen the e182cc, is not intended to te used in circuits critical as to hum, mlcrophony or noise le tube e182cc, data. Pinnacle alloys e70t1c9c is a carbon steel electrode designed for single and multipass welding of carbon and certain low alloy steels. If you have never used this facility before, click the help link. Use keywords to find the product you are looking for. Xray properties of elements electron binding energies xray energy emission energies fluorescence yields for k and l shells principal auger electron energies. The thin glass tube envelope is 20 mm in diameter and, excluding the b9a base pins, is 45 mm tall. The e180cc is a special quality double triode designed for use in computer circuits.

Best to ask when you need a tube electrically similar. Not too worried about filament current as i will be using a seperate tranny rated at 3a for that. Kt88 beam power tetrode t he svetlana kt88 is a beam power tetrode having a large standard octal base and glass envelope. Since you have the data sheets handy, youll see that the 6dj8ecc88 is slightly lower in mu than its brothers the 6922e88cc and 7308e188cc which are identical i believe. I am especially interested in specific low anode potential operation as dmitri showed in his posting. Bold designators are close or identical, italic designators are different ratings, different pinouts or different filament voltages. With a goldplated molybdenum alloy grid and carbon coated screen grid, the svetlana kt88 is the finest power tube of its type be ing manufactured today. I also retained the short data supplied by some of the ebay sellers. Downloads, supreme instruments manuals, tube data, and. The closest western equivalent to the 6n1p is the well known 6bq7a. Substitutes are given as a guide only please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Supreme instruments manuals, tube data, and schematics.

Shipping from ukraine via airmail with tracking number. Please see the substitutes at the top of the page for more details. Except for higher heater current, its a direct plugin replacement for the 6dj8, ecc88 and 6922. It has currently found a use as a driver tube in hifi tube amplifiers such as audio research models vs55 and vs110 because of its excellent low distortion and low noise. P1, p2, p3, p4 partly, p515% nos 100% nos in original box nosw 100% nos wo box wob without box wobu without box, used obu original box, used db diamond bottom gp gold pins. Page 3 6n356702c51 tubes are used for two channel buffer with cathode follower configuration. Lawrence berkeley national laboratory introduction. The e180cc will maintain its emission characteristics after long periods where the valve is biased to cutoff. Duncans tube data files shows it as an equivalent to the 6n1p. Key in the code for the valvetube you wish to search for and click the query button. Tube 41 or rohre 41 id2968, vacuum pentode, 6pinbase u6a, old, usa and poweroutput shown. For the most part, youll be able to use all three tubes and each designation has its good and bad. The mullard advert in 1957 introducing the e88cc gives the application areas as computing, switching and scaling. I also have the pdf files for 2sh27l and 12sh1l from jan wuests site.

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